Data Security

Rowdy is the best way to send self-destructive messages in Slack. We value your privacy as our highest priority and following measurements are taken to protect your data in best possible way.

SSL and Encryption

All communication to/from Rowdy is transmitted over HTTPS, and any data stored is encrypted at rest.

Cloud Hosting

Rowdy and his associated resources are hosted with trusted providers including Google Cloud and Amazon Web Services (AWS). They’re among the top hosting providers in the world - used by companies like Atlassian, Pinterest, Airbnb and of course, Slack.

Your Data

All messages you enter into Rowdy remains yours, and we are committed to ensure that your data is kept safe and confidential. We do not copy or clone your documents in anyway. Rowdy does not store your self-destructive messages in our internal databases. All your messages are directly sent into Slack. Rowdy only store the mandatory data fields including your email, slack workspace ID, slack user ID and workspace name. Only these user sensitive data are stored within our databases. All the other data you see anywhere in the platform are fetched on the fly using Slack APIs and we do not store them anywhere in our servers to ensure your data privacy.

Data Access

No machines can access the rowdy database except our own server and the dashboard server. The database is restricted by IP address to those servers only, making any outside attack next to impossible without gaining access to the servers first. Internally, only the rowdy engineers have access to these machines in the cloud, and each engineer’s account is protected with strict internal protocol, including 2-Factor Authentication.

What happens if Rowdy shuts down?

Rowdy and his team have the full intention to be around for the long haul. However, if he were to retire, his humans would give plenty of notice to all users, and provide an easy way to download all of your data in an open and widely supported format if there is any.

Contacting us

The rowdy team takes data security seriously. If you have any further questions or concerns about rowdy's security, don't hesitate to reach out to